Year: 2022

Wonder Writing – Mona Lisa drawing

As Rose woke up from her dream, she had no idea that it was about to come true…
Rose was dreaming of being a drawing artist. She was holding her drawing book while she was sleeping, in rose’s dream she was at the museum with her friends looking at paintings and drawings and rose went to the shop to buy some pencils and a canvas then she started drawing the mona lisa painting and instead of painting it she colured it with colouring pencils. Then Rose posted her drawing on social media and she got billions of likes then a very famous artist called rose. Rose was so shocked that she didn’t answer the phone until she heard a knock on the door. She walked to the door and opened it. It was her idol, the person who was calling rose. But then Rose’s dad woke her up from her dream and Rose said “dad! I was dreaming of being famous!” “ Oh well sorry but there is someone waiting for you outside” dad said “huh” said rose rose went down stairs and she saw her idol it was the person from her dream and he saw her post on social media of the Mona Lisa drawing that rose’s dad posted. He said that he could put Rose’s drawing in the museum he owned. “ Oh my god” Rose said “ of course you can put my drawing in your museum. Soon then Rose got so famous that she even collaborated with lots of people all over the world. “ thank you dad” rose said “what do you mean rose?” Dad said “ you made me famous by posting that picture even though I said no”. The next dad had a surprise for Rose “ guess what rose” said dad “what is it” said rose, dad showed Rose the drawing that he buyed from the museum it was rose’s Mona Lisa drawing. Every time when guests come over to Rose’s house they will always take a picture of the Mona Lisa that Rose drawed.

Wonder-Writing Dragon World

One day there once lived a girl named Ella. Ella is a princess who lived far far away from her country which is Iceland. Ella’s whole family lived in Iceland but Ella didn’t like her family. Her family was so harsh on her every time, so then Ella ran far, far away secretly from home until she  met a friend named rose. Rose was a sailor and Rose and Ella became very  very close friends. 


When they were on the boat and were about to go one of Ella’s guards found her and he stole someone’s boat to catch her. He was faster than a racing car but Rose’s boat was way faster than the guard’s boat. So then the guard gave up and went back to the castle but he didn’t tell the queen. “I’ve got a secret to tell you” said rose “okay what’s up” said ella “ i can do magic” said rose “wow” said Ella “ that’s so cool” “ i have a idea” said Ella “what is it” said rose “ can you magic a beautiful castle right here” “sure” said rose.


Rose magiced a beautiful castle. It was so cool. When they were about to go inside they saw a  baby dragon. It was so adorable. Ella and Rose grewed up with the dragon they named the dragon Ella- Rose and they lived happily ever after.